Monday, April 8, 2013

Last Transfer & Testimony

So, transfer news…  Guess what?!  I am being transferred to the Illinois Chicago Mission!  Weird, huh?  [She’s just kidding.  She’ll be finishing her mission tomorrow and coming home!] 

Today, I am still a missionary and I am still thinking about the MB Ward, and my present and past companions.  Sister L, my current companion, is getting trained by another amazing sister in the mission.  Sister L (a different missionary), who was also serving in the MB Ward, is going with Sister T.  And yes, I know the names probably don't mean very much to you all.  The important thing is that the work is going forward and we are getting 7 new sister missionaries this transfer.  It is going to be weird not counting time in "transfers” [6-week increments of time].

So, about my week....  It has been an exciting week, the week before transfer week always is.  Looking forward to General Conference was super exciting.  It was like Christmas.  [General Conference is a semi-annual, world-wide broadcast from Church leaders in Salt Lake City.]  There were so many good talks. I really liked the talk with the tomato plant analogy. [She’s referring to a story about a tomato plant grown from one seed and how it can multiple into hundreds of future tomatoes with proper care.]  I have seen the potential of others especially this last week in those people around me.  And, when the little girl talked about the millions of tomatoes she could get from her one little tomato plant it was a perfect description of how I feel about those people I work with.  Even when we water them and help them they still have to have the desire to grow.

Well, family and friends, I love you sooooo much!  Thank you for all of the support, prayers, and love you have given me during my mission.  I can't say that enough.  I just want you all to know that I know without a shadow of a doubt that this church is true.  I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves each one of us so much that he gave his life to save us.  I know that Joseph Smith was able to restore the Church of Jesus Christ back to the earth again.  I am so grateful for the direction that we have in our lives from latter day prophets.  And I know that the Spirit testifies of the truth of the gospel.  I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.  Love, Sister Cluff

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