Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Year's Resolution

Tim's Baptism

Tim investigated the church for a long time before finally deciding to join.

Bobbie's Baptism

Bobbie decided to be baptized after her son, Chase, returned home from his mission.

I feel like I haven't talked to you in sooooo long.  I keep remembering Christmas and smiling.  It really made my day.  I keep remembering how good it was to see you and talk with you.  I didn't ever want to stop.  I am so glad we are a forever family.
            So, having a third companion is a party.  It is a sleep-over every night.  Now it feels weird when there are just two of us.  Sister W got to go out on splits with a member Saturday night. [“Splits” is where a missionary will leave her own companion and work with another member or missionary for a few hours or a day.]  Sister R and I were feeling sick.  We caught the stomach flu -- Sis R's was slightly worse than mine.  Mine was just nausea and feeling super tired (so don't phreak out Mom).  Sister R and I missed Sister W a ton.  It was lonely without her there.  It is interesting how quickly people adapt.  It’s also interesting how you can just feel when something is not right on your mission (or in life).  Heavenly Father helps out his missionaries – a lot. 
Our trio companionship will last for 6 weeks.  This week has been interesting; it is a whole new dynamic with three of us.  We are like an army. 
            One of the New Year’s resolutions I have been thinking about is to volunteer.  Normally, I sit back and let someone else do something.  For example, when someone asks who wants to say the prayer everyone's hand should shoot into the air.  I can at least do that.  It is kind of sad how much we limit ourselves.    I want to be the one to volunteer, even if I am scared to death.  When we do things like that we are just getting blessings.  By the way, I am giving talks in both of my wards.  We volunteered to help the missionary work in the wards progress and to help the members get excited about missionary work.  Fun, huh?  I am not exactly sure about the wording of my goal, but I want it to be somewhere along these lines.  I am trying to work at setting better goals, ones that I can accomplish.
            I guess I am going to run.  I love you guys, thank you so much for all of the letters!

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